I’m Alix Chaytor, and I support the Progressive Alliance, the informal grouping of people of various political parties who want to see an end to Tory dominance of UK politics. They’ve achieved that dominance not because people have overwhelmingly supported them (43.6% of the vote in the 2019 election can hardly be called a ringing endorsement!), but because the opposition’s been fragmented.
The Progressive Alliance is aimed at changing that, by voting for the non-Tory candidate with the best chance of winning the constituency. That may or may not be our real candidate of choice, but we’re determined to do our best to make it work.
We also aim to build a community of like-minded people ready to work together to get this country out of the mess a succession of self-serving Tory governments has got it into, and to discuss and publicize the ideas that we believe can rescue it.
If any of that resonates with you, do please feel free to check us out. There are generally a few of us on Twitter — a lot of us have #ProgressiveAlliance in our bios, and you can often find us on some trending hashtags.
Oh, and if you’re a non-Tory and you have a blog (not necessarily about politics!), I’d love to add it to my list of blogs to recommend!
Hope you’ll enjoy the posts here.