Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Never In The Field Of UK Governance

They promised we’d regain the sovereignty we’d never lost: they gave us empty shelves and rising prices. 

They promised Brexit wouldn’t affect our ability to export goods to the EU: they turned the county known as the Garden of England into a lorry park, and drowned firms in the red tape that we’d originally joined the EU to avoid.

They promised we would still be able to travel freely in the EU: they gave us queues for passport checks while EU nationals sailed through. 

They promised we could still study in the EU: they pulled out of the Erasmus agreement that permitted it. 

They promised us prosperity: they trashed the pound. 

They promised they would keep us safe from Covid: they delayed their border checks so long, they let it in. 

They promised us new hospitals: they tried to claim that old ones that had had work done on them were new. 

They promised “sunlit uplands”: they gave us threats of power cuts this winter. 

They promised us no border checks with Northern Ireland: now they want to give us “freeports” with customs barriers within the British mainland.

They promised us a lucrative trade deal with the USA: we got the snub that their attempts to tear up the Good Friday Agreement, of which the USA is guarantor, deserved. 

And these are just a few examples of the misery the Tory government has put us through. 

The majority of the country didn’t vote for them. The Tories under Boris Johnson got just 43.6% of the vote. Liz Truss’s administration (I’d hesitate to describe it as a government), way to the right of even his, has never faced the country in a General Election, and therefore has precisely none. 

As so many people came out on the streets last week to make quite clear - Enough Is Enough. 

In football terms, Liz Truss, you’ve lost the dressing-room. You need to go, and take your unelected right-wing cabal with you. 

We need a General Election, and we need it now. 

Because never in the field of UK governance has so much needless suffering been inflicted on so many by so few.